Our company's dividend policy is decided by General Assembly in accordance with the suggestions of Board of Directors by taking the provisions of Turkish Commercial Code, Capital Markets Law and other legislations which are legally binding for the Company.
Aiming to provide a high rate of dividend yield for investors as a publicly-held corporation in addition to extending the portfolio, our company's board of directors adopted a dividend policy within the framework of applicable law, which stipulates:
a)Avoiding any unfavourable conditions in national and global economy, achieving a delicate balance between the expectations of shareholders and growth of the company,
b)Realising exits with returns above expectations as a result of private equity investments, which are our company's main area of activity,
c)Distributing the dividend, which will be 30% of distributable profit as a minimum by also considering the general profitability of our company, as cash and/or non-cash .
Cash dividend distribution is carried out until the end of the second month following the date when the general assembly, where dividend decision is taken, is held at the latest. Non-cash dividend distribution is carried out following the legal permissions.
Dividend payment is not distributed to Company personnel until cash dividend, which is determined for shareholders with general assembly resolution, is paid to members of the board of directors.
Also, if the company exits from private equity investments, which is our company's main area of activity, with an exit return above the targeted level of return, we adopt the principle of distributing cash profit to the greatest extent possible within the framework of Capital Market Legislation, Turkish Commercial Code and other applicable laws, and taking the profitability of our company into account.
The provisions of advance dividend distribution within the scope of Capital Market legislation are also stipulated in the articles of association. General Assembly must authorize the board of directors for advance dividend distribution. The authorization shall be limited to the relevant fiscal period.