General Framework

İş Private Equity (Company) fulfils the requirements of public disclosure on financial and miscellaneous terms within the scope of Capital Markets Law, Turkish Commercial Code and other applicable laws in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and corporate governance principles.

The primary aim of information policy is sharing the information which is outside the scope of trade secret, with shareholders, employees and other related parties in due time, in a thorough, understandable, easy and cost-effective manner, and under equal circumstances.

Having an active approach for adopting and implementing Corporate Governance Policies, İş Pivate Equity shows maximum effort for carrying the requirements of relevant legislations and international best practices into effect with respect to public disclosure and information. Information policy of İş Private Equity was prepared within the above-mentioned framework, approved by Board of Directors and carried into effect.

Authority and Responsibity

Information policy was prepared by the Board of Directors. Investor Relations Unit was assigned for the coordination of Information procedure. These authorities fulfil their responsibilities in coordination with Corporate Governance committee and Board of Directors.

Public Disclosure Activities and Methods

a) Disclosure within the scope of legislation

  • Consolidated financial statements and portfolio statements which are prepared quarterly within the scope of Capital Market Legislation, are announced to the public through Public Disclosure Platform and published on our website.
  • Material disclosures to be made within the scope of Capital Market Legislation are published on Public Disclosure Platform and announced to the public.
  • Notices and announcements on subjects such as amendments to articles of association, general assembly and capital increase are made in accordance with the provisions of applicable legislation and articles of association.
  • Annual report, balance sheet, income statement, profit distribution proposals and audit reports are submitted to the review of shareholders every year at Company's registered office and published on the website before the general assembly within the period specified in the applicable legislation.
  • Company's website is kept-up-to-date for information and other subjects.

b) Information through press and meetings

  • Press releases, which contain public disclosure information about investments and exits, are prepared during investment or exit periods, and meetings are held with written and visual media if necessary.
  • The aim is to reach the large masses through interviews given to media organs. These statements provided to the public through written and visual media by Chairman, CEO or other authorities assigned by Chairman and CEO.
  • Our company's subsidiaries can also appear in press with their activities.
  • News and press releases are also published on Company's website so that wide masses of people and all of our investments can have access to our company's activities.
  • Presentations from the investor meetings held inside and outside the country are also published on Company's website in order to share with the public.

c) Informing the investors

  • Questions submitted to the company by related parties via e-mail, phone, mail are answered by Investor Relations Unit within the shortest time possible.

d) İş Private Equity Corporate Website (

İş Private Equity website is used actively and intensively for information sharing and public disclosure. The website, which is available in Turkish and English, contains information that will also enlighten the investors and entrepreneurs in addition to information and data required by regulatory authorities and stipulated as per Corporate Governance Principles. Website is always kept up-to-dated.

Company's website was allocated in a way that it contains "Information Society Services" section within the scope of applicable legislation. Visitors connect to Central Securities Depository through this section and have access to documents determined within the scope of the legislation.

e) Miscellaneous

News about our company in press and media organs are monitored by our company. Relevant authorities of the company review this news to determine whether their content is different from the information previously disclosed to the public, and if it is determined that the content of the news is different from this information, a special statement is made on Public Disclosure Platform.

The statement about the news in these media organs, which don't require any special disclosure, are also announced to the public through Public Disclosure Platform if Company considers necessary.

Future Projections

Persons authorized to inform the public about the future projections for the company are Members of the Board of Directors and General Director. These assessments can be declared to the public with the approval of authorized persons. Assessments can be disclosed to the public in the form of material disclosure or with annual reports prepared within the scope of the legislation or investor briefing presentations, provided that they are announced on Public Disclosure Platform.

In statements related to future projections, if there are significant differences between aspects previously disclosed to the public, and actual events, reasons of these differences are explained.

Confidentiality and Administrative Responsibility

Our company shows utmost care for protecting the confidentiality of information, which are not disclosed to the public and/or information which bear the quality of trade secret. Provisions related to confidentiality are explicitly referred to in the internal regulations, which settle working conditions of the company, and Company's "Ethical Principles" declared to the public. Also, this subject is mutually agreed in contracts drawn up with third parties for the executions of Company's specific works, and in articles of associations drawn up with partner private equity companies. In addition to these applications, people who are included in "List of Persons Who Have Access to Internal Information" are also informed about the protection of internal information and obligations which prohibit the use of this information for the commerce of İş Private Equity's capital market instruments.

Since Members of the Board of Directors, Senior Managers and Members of the Investment Committee have direct or indirect access to internal information within the scope of their duties, they are regarded as "Persons with Administrative Responsibility" due to the fact that they are authorities who can make administrative decisions that might affect the development and commercial objectives of the company.