Company ınformation/Objectives
- A short description which specifies the past activities and objectives of the company along with company's trade registry
- Organizational Structure
- Resumes of Top Management/Founding Partners/Shareholders
Opportunities in the Market
- Market Needs and Market Entry Strategy
- Added Values Offered by the Company
- Market Size and Expected and Actual Growth of the Market
- Competition and Company's Strategic Competitiveness
- Distribution/Sales channels
- Differences According to Alternatives
- Barriers on Entry
- Sales Prices and Costs
- Business and Operational Strategies
- Sales and Marketing Plan
Target Market
- Competition
- Entry Strategy
- Current Positioning
- Distribution Channels
Financial Data
- Financial Historical Data (Income Statement and Balance Sheet)
- Assumptions Used in the Preparation of Financial Projections (Income Statements, Capital Increase Forecasts, Projected Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statements) and Projections
- Amount of Required Fund in Each Phase of the Project
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